SEO audit

At Ragnotella we believe it is vital that we offer bespoke solutions to your SEO requirements. This might involve a search engine optimisation audit of your website. By completing such a project we can help you identify additional strategies to compliment your current activity.

This will involve an analysis of the following components:

  • Current backlinks pointing to your website
  • Meta data implemented
  • Current content
  • Incorrect use of tags (such as title tags)
  • Incorrect use of the “nofollow” attribute
  • Crawl errors
  • Structural weaknesses
  • HTML coding errors
  • Inaccessible pages
  • Loading speeds

Ragnotella will audit your website to ensure that it complies fully with current W3C standards and will highlight areas of concern. Without a complete SEO audit, you may never fully understand why your site isn’t performing as well as you hoped.

When you are working on a SEO project for some time it can sometimes be difficult to see the wood from the trees and having another expert set of eyes review a website can often provide simple but effective solutions.