About SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of enhancing a website‘s visibility within the natural search rankings of search engines such as Google and Bing.

SEO is at the forefront of the online marketing world. It is all about ensuring that if an Internet user is searching for actively searching for a product / service that you offer, your website appears at the top of the search engine results page (SERP). Other methods of online marketing such as Pay Per Click (PPC) or affiliate marketing can offer quick results however effective and ethical SEO will deliver results over a much longer time period, thus maximizing your marketing investment.

SEO benefits:

  • Cost Effectiveness – Unlike PPC / affiliate marketing / banner advertising, Search Engine Optimisation is proven to be the most cost effective way of reaching large audiences.
  • Through the Line Marketing – By incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy you can improve the return on investment.
  • Brand awareness and reputation – Having your website appear within the top 5 results for your chosen keywords can have a huge effect on how your website is perceived. Being within the top 5 helps to increase the reputation of not only your website but also the reputation of your brand.
  • Long Term Results – Whilst some companies might employ ‘black hat methods’ (methods that are against search engines’ terms of service) to gain quick results, Ragnotella believe in only employing ‘white hat methods’ (ethical methods which do not impede on search engines’ Terms of Service) as these are the key to long term success.
  • Non-stop and highly targeted traffic – Whilst PPC campaigns can be switched off, sometimes by the advertiser or the search engines (if funds run out), SEO can provide your website with visitors interested in your products / services 24 hours a day.