In order to ensure a high ranking within Google and the other major search engines a website must be relevant for the chosen keyword. This is achieved by editing the existing content of a website to ensure that it keyword rich with relevant keywords. The structure of a website also plays a very important role in the ranking so this is also analysed and amended (if necessary).
Focus will be put on areas including the:
- URL Structures
- Page title tags
- Meta data
- Headings and subheadings
- Body copy
- Calls-to-action
In recent years Google and the other search engines have made many developments to eradicate the influence of content designed for solely for search engines. With this in mind Ragnotella will create content that is not only keyword rich but inviting for human visitors. Ragnotella will perform this on regular basis to ensure the search engines revisit your website on a regular basis thus helping to ensure good rankings.
Gaining traffic is good, but engaging with them and turning them into paying customers is great – That is the ultimate goal of Ragnotella!